President Zeman to spend four days in Sochi

Czech President Miloš Zeman will spend four days at the Olympic Games in Sochi, a spokesman for his office said. Mr Zeman, who will arrive in Sochi on Thursday, will dine with members of the Czech Olympic Team. On Friday, the Czech head of state is set to attend a reception held by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin for foreign officials before attending the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The president would also like to see a speed skating event during his visit so that he can express support for Czech champion Martina Sáblíková. Other Czech officials who are set to visit the Olympic Games in Sochi include the speakers of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, Milan Štěch and Jan Hamáček, as well as the head of the Czech Roman Catholic church, Cardinal Dominik Duka.

Author: Jan Richter