President Zeman released from hospital

The Czech president, Miloš Zeman, spent Wednesday night in hospital because of a knee injury. The head of a team of doctors looking after Mr Zeman, Health Minister Martin Holcát, said that following an accident, blood had swelled in the president’s knee and required neurological tests. Those have since confirmed that Mr Zeman will have to use a wheelchair and rest up for several weeks. Consequently, he was advised to cancel planned foreign trips. On Thursday, Mr Zeman was released from hospital care and headed for the presidential chateau in Lány.

Regarding the cause of the accident, the health minister explained that the president had stumbled in the dark at night while heading for the bathroom; he said alcohol had not been a factor, which lab tests had confirmed. Mr Zeman is a heavy smoker who suffers from diabetes; doctors needed to take steps to minimalise potential threats, such as thrombosis or lung embolism.

Author: Jan Velinger