President Pavel meets with Polish PM Morawiecky

Czechia’s new president, Petr Pavel, began the second day of his visit to Poland by meeting with the country’s prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecky, in Warsaw. In an opening remark ahead of the meeting, President Pavel said that he believes that the region of Central and Eastern Europe is currently in a key moment of its history and that it can play a vital role in helping Ukraine not just against Russian aggression, but also in its rebuilding and EU integration. He also expressed appreciation for Warsaw’s decision to provide MiG-29 combat jets to Ukraine along with Slovakia.

Mr Morawiecky said that he isn’t sure the two countries ever enjoyed better relations over the 1,000 years of history their shared history. He also praised the two countries’ efforts in helping Ukraine and said that he hopes to see Visegrad cooperation revived. President Pavel has criticised the Visegrad platform, which includes Czechia, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.

The Czech head of state will also be visiting the centre of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex in the Polish capital. He is then set to fly to Rzeszów-Jasionka airport where he will see the local Polish-American logistics centre from which most of the West’s military aid is sent to Ukraine, the Czech News Agency reports.