President Pavel and first lady appear at Karlovy Vary Film Festival

President Petr Pavel and his wife Eva made an appearance at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival on Wednesday. According to the president’ s spokesperson Markéta Řeháková the aim of the visit was to highlight the importance of the festival, but the couple’s program was private. They attended, among other things, a screening of a sci-fi drama by young Czech filmmakers called Bod obnovy Restore Point .

The festival also welcomed two more VIP guests, film directors Davide Ferrario and Thomas Cailley. The Italian director and screenwriter Davide Ferrario will present Umberto Eco - The Library of the World, a film that takes us on a tour of Umberto Eco’s private library, guided by the author himself. The French director Thomas Cailley will present his film Animal Kingdom a sci-fi adventure drama in which people start mutating into other animal species.