President Klaus says results indicate mood of the public

To an extent, the local and Senate elections have been viewed as a referendum on the inconclusive parliamentary elections in June which prevented politicians from forming a stable government: Mirek Topolanek's cabinet failed in a vote of confidence after just 30 days. President Vaclav Klaus commented the results by saying they were an indication of the mood in Czech society and that they signalled a political solution to the country's drawn out crisis. He is expected to name a new prime minister designate after the Senate elections conclude.

Meanwhile, acting Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek told journalists on Monday that his party's success in the municipal and Senate elections is not likely to make negotiations on a new government any easier. But, he did suggest they could be a signal for political rivals, the Social Democrats. Mr Topolanek's Civic Democrats are pushing for early parliamentary elections as the only solution to the continuing political deadlock. The Social Democrats led by Jiri Paroubek have favoured forming a grand coalition. Negotiations on a new government are expected to resume soon.

Author: Jan Velinger