President Havel returns from UN Millenium Summit

Czech President Vaclav Havel returned from a working visit to the United States on Monday. One of the president's main duties during his one-week stay in the States was participating in the Millenium Summit of the United Nations in New York. In his speech, President Havel presented his concept for possible future reform of the United Nations. More from Lucie Krupickova:

Vaclav Havel said at the U.N. Summit last Friday that the organisation should in future lean on two pillars. One of them would be a committee of the representatives of the member states, and the other a group of people elected in worldwide elections. The executive body should be, according to Mr. Havel, the Security Council or its successor. The UN should, in Mr. Havel's opinion, also possess its own military and police forces. At the same time, the Czech president admitted he could not imagine how some of the procedures he proposed could be put into practice.

I spoke to the political analyst Jiri Pehe and asked him how realistic are Havel's ideas about reforms?

Author: Lucie Krupičková
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