Prague zoo to get two new gorillas

The troop of gorillas at Prague Zoo is going to get two new members - Duni, a female who will be arriving from Spain, and Kisumu, a male gorilla coming from Austria, zoo director Miroslav Bobek announced on Friday. Duni is the daughter of the famous Moja, who in 2004 became the first baby gorilla born in the Czech Republic.

The current band of gorillas was split up at the beginning of June, with three females and the youngest male being moved to a new exhibit due to officially open on September 28, and one male remaining with his two sons in the original pavilion. Duni and Kisumu will join the group in the new exhibit.

Mr. Bobek stated that he would like the new residents of the zoo to get used to the group and environment as soon as possible. The paperwork and permits needed for Duni to come from Spain and Kisumu from Austria are currently being processed.

Author: Anna Fodor