Prague Transport Authority signs contract for construction of metro D line’s first section

Prague Public Transport Company has signed a contract with a consortium of companies for the construction of the first section of the planned new “D” line of the Prague metro, serving the southern suburbs of the capital.

The first section between Pankrác and Olbrachtova stations is expected to cost nearly CZK 14 billion, the company’s spokesman told the Czech News Agency on Wednesday. The companies contracted to carry out the work include Subterras, Hochtief and Strabag.

“A year and a half after the announcement of the tender, we were able to sign a contract with the winner. As soon as the building permit is legally binding, construction can begin.

“This is a better starting position for us than if we already had the permit but not the contractor,” said the Prague Public Transport Authority’s General Director Petr Witowski.

Construction of the planned new D line of the Prague metro was approved by the Prague City Council nearly two weeks ago. Its total cost it estimated at CZK 52 billion.

After the first section of the line is finished, it should be extended to Depo Písnice in the southern outskirts of the city.

A northern section of the D line is also planned for the future, running from Pankrác to Náměstí Míru Square in the district of Vinohrady in central Prague.

The necessary geological surveys were launched in the district of Pankrác last summer and should be completed by the end of September.

The construction of the D line will be one of the major public construction projects planned in the Czech Republic in the coming years. The first section of the new metro line is scheduled to start operating in 2027.