Police accuse witnesses of perjury in Cunek case
The police have accused a number of witnesses of giving false testimony to the benefit of Deputy Prime Minister Jiri Cunek, who is accused of taking bribes when he was mayor of Vsetin, Pravo reported. Police described as untrue statements asserting that Mr Cunek could not have accepted a bribe in Vsetin at a stated time because the three witnesses had seen him elsewhere. They believe the witnesses themselves were elsewhere, Pravo said. Meanwhile, a police officer involved in the case will also be questioned, the daily reported. For his part Mr Cunek says the police are trying to scare witnesses and divert attention from their own mistakes.
Jiri Cunek has come under pressure to resign over the bribery allegations and other affairs. However, he has said he will not leave the cabinet, where he is also regional development minister, even if charges are filed against him.