PM suggests government could rule for several months even without political backing

Interim Prime Minister Jiří Rusnok has told the news site that his government could continue to rule for several months even if it fails to find support in next Wednesday’s confidence vote. The economist referred to the Constitution as well as the rule of a previous government under similar circumstances. The Chamber of Deputies is to hold the vote on the future of the cabinet beginning 10 AM on Wednesday. Only two parties in the chamber have expressed support, the Communists and Public Affairs; the opposition Social Democrats remain divided over the issue.

If the former centre-right coalition can shore-up a 101-majority as claimed, there is no chance Mr Rusnok’s government would be able to pass. The prime minister, a close associate of President Zeman’s, will visit deputies’ clubs to try and boost support. According to one report, he will not receive an invitation from the Civic Democrats, who oppose the current government as an attempt to bypass Parliament as well as the country’s constitution.

Author: Jan Velinger