Plan to give new fathers paid leave wins praise

  • Plan to give new fathers paid leave wins praise

The centre-right government has come under fire for many of its past reforms, but its latest proposal has put a smile on many people’s faces. Social Affairs Minister Petr Nečas has drafted a bill that looks set to overhaul the country’s child-care system. The cherry on the cake: a week’s paid leave for new fathers. Parents and psychologists have welcomed the proposal.

The press is calling it the first government reform to be greeted by the electorate. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs plans to offer new fathers a week’s paid leave in the period following the child’s birth. The plan still has to be approved by Parliament – but with the entire coalition pledging its support, the draft looks likely to be approved. The legislation would then come into effect as of January 2010. Jiří Sezemský is the ministry spokesperson:

“This holiday should encourage fathers to be more involved in caring for their children shortly after the infant’s birth. It seems to us that lots of mothers, as well as fathers, will welcome this move. The holiday will last for one week and fathers will be able to take it for up to six weeks following their infant’s birth. We were inspired by other European countries when drafting this reform. Such leave already exists in France, Great Britain, Belgium and throughout Scandinavia.”

The new reforms would also see tax-breaks for firms willing to offer new mothers flexible working hours, and changes to the existing nursery system. The idea is to better reintegrate young mothers into the labour market, and further integrate fathers into their children’s upbringing. The idea of a week’s leave has been hailed by many child psychologists. Jarmila Knight is one such proponent of the move:

“Well actually, I think that this is a very good idea. Anything that helps a young mother with a newborn baby, and anything that helps the family somehow to get used to the new member and have time together – I think that’s brilliant.”

Do you think that there are clear psychological benefits to it?

“Absolutely, yes. Because obviously, it is a very emotionally stressful time for both new parents and anything that helps them overcome this and be together is, I think, a very good idea.”

The proposal needs to be approved by both the Parliament and the Senate before fathers can look forward to a paid week of leave with their newborns.