Pavel heading to New York with Milada Horáková's daughter

In addition to Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, Jana Kánská, the daughter of Milada Horáková, is also on board President Petr Pavel's flight to New York for the UN General Assembly, which starts on Monday. The president's advisor, Petr Kolář, told Czech daily Deník N that the decision to invite Jana Kánská on board was made at the last minute.

Ms. Kánská is a long-term resident of the USA but was visiting the Czech Republic and was due to return home on September 14. However, while spending the weekend at Mr Kolář's summer cottage, he asked her if she wanted to postpone her departure and fly with them to New York. She and the president were both keen to take up the offer as they had narrowly missed each other in Prague.

According to Mr Kolář, Mr Pavel had wanted to personally thank Ms Kánská for her support in his presidential campaign. The presidential advisor described the meeting as "very pleasant and moving" and said that the two talked at great length.

Once the plane lands in New York, Jana Kánská plans to head straight from there to Bethesda in the state of Maryland, where she lives.

Author: Anna Fodor