Paroubek: Premature to talk about Social Democrats' candidate for president

The leader of the Social Democrats, Jiri Paroubek, said on Saturday that it was premature to talk about who the party's candidate would be in next year's presidential election. He said the Social Democrats would discuss criteria first and names later. Mlada fronta Dnes reported on Friday that the Social Democrats could nominate former prime minister Vladimir Spidla, ex-education minister Petra Buzkova or the former state attorney Marie Benesova. The incumbent Vaclav Klaus says he plans to seek re-election.

Saturday's Pravo reported that former dissident and Czechoslovak foreign minister Jiri Dienstbier could receive the backing of the Social Democrats, the Communists and the Greens. Mr Dienstbier said it was too early to discuss the matter but did not rule out standing.

Author: Ian Willoughby