Paroubek outlines Social Democrats' position on US base
On his final day before stepping down as prime minister, Jiri Paroubek met with US Ambassador William Cabanniss to give his view on the possibility of a US missile defence base being built in the Czech Republic. Mr Paroubek reportedly told the ambassador the Social Democratic party was against the idea. But, the base has approval from the country's new Foreign Minister Alexandr Vondra, as it did from his predecessor Christian Democrat Cyril Svoboda, who said that the US's interest in the Czech Republic proved that the country was a "trustworthy" ally. Mr Svoboda outlined as benefits not only the fact that the Czech Republic would benefit financially but that it itself would be protected in the anti-missile zone. The US reportedly would like to place radars and ten missiles in Europe by 2011, to intercept possible enemy missiles launched - for example - by North Korea or Iran.