Parliamentarians form “Friends of Free Russia” group

More than 10 members of the Czech Chamber of Deputies and eight senators have joined a newly formed group called Přátelé svobodného Ruska (Friends of Free Russia), which aims to “support pro-democratically minded Russian citizens and civil society in Russia”. The new grouping was announced on Tuesday in the lower-house by Deputy Helena Langšádlová (TOP09) and Senator Marek Hilšer (Independent). Both of them are members.

The platform says it will cooperate with not-for-profit organisations and similar groupings abroad. It was formed in reaction to the growing aggression of the Russian state under Vladimir Putin, according to Ms. Langšádlová. She stressed that the grouping is not anti-Russian and that its members have a deep respect towards Russia’s past, culture and its democratically minded citizens. Mr. Hilšer said that he expects more Parliamentarians to join the group soon.