Opposition Civic Democrats dominate in both regional & Senate elections

This Saturday afternoon polls closed bringing to an end two days of regional and Senate elections in the Czech Republic. The polls closed at two in the afternoon local time. As was widely predicated voter turn-out was on the low end of the scale, at around just 29 percent.

With the majority of constituencies in the regions now counted success for the right-of centre Civic Democrats, led by party chairman Mirek Topolanek, is certain.

In the race for regional governments the opposition Civic Democrats have garnered the greatest percentage of votes, leading in 12 out of 13 regions, which they are expected to win. The Communist Party, and the ruling Social Democrats came in 2nd and 3rd in voter preference. One region in south Moravia is being closely contested by the Christian Democrats.

In the Senate, meanwhile, 65 percent of the ballots counted show the Civic Democrats leading in 15 Senate races, while the Communists lead in 6, and the Christian Democrats in 4. Smaller party representatives are vying for the last two spots.

Senate run-offs will take place in two weeks' time.

Author: Jan Velinger