PM approves two nominees for ministerial posts in cabinet reshuffle
Prime Minister Petr Fiala has asked President Pavel to appoint Petr Kulhánek to the post of minister for regional development and Lukáš Vlček to the post of industry minister. Petr Kulhánek will replace Ivan Bartoš of the Pirate Party, who was dismissed for failing to secure the digitization of the building permits system, while Lukáš Vlček is set to replace Jozef Síkela, who is moving to the European Commission. The president is expected to meet both nominees on Monday and is likely to appoint them on Tuesday.
According to the prime minister, Kulhánek faces three key tasks: in addition to guaranteeing a functional building permits system and securing more affordable housing, he must also work in cooperation with the regions and municipalities in repairing the damage wrought by the September floods.