President Pavel negotiating government reshuffle with party leaders

President Petr Pavel is meeting separately with the leaders of all five coalition parties on Monday to discuss the implications of the Pirate Party’s departure from the government following the dismissal of their leader Ivan Bartoš from government posts. The Pirates’ decision to walk out of the government, which is being sanctioned by an online vote, will necessitate a cabinet re-shuffle. The party’s two other ministers - Minister for Legislation Michal Šalomoun and Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský will both submit their resignations, although the latter has said he will also leave the Pirate Party. The change of guard will also affect ten deputy ministers from the Pirate Party and possibly also the Deputy Chair of the Chamber of Deputies, Olga Richterová.

Ivan Bartoš said earlier that the Pirate Party would leave the government and the ruling coalition after their deputies’ club meeting on Tuesday.