Two-thirds of Ukrainian refugees plan to stay in Czechia, survey reveals

Around two-thirds of Ukrainian refugees in Czechia plan to stay in the country after their temporary protection status expires, according to a recent survey. This marks a rise of approximately 20 percent compared to last year.

The study, conducted by the Centre for Public Opinion Research of the Czech Academy of Science’s Institute of Sociology, also found that one-fifth of refugees aim to return to Ukraine once the war ends.

According to data released by the Czech Ministry of the Interior on Friday, over 320,000 Ukrainian refugees registered to extend their temporary protection this year, with women making up three-fifths of the total.

Most of the refugees settle in the country's three largest cities – Prague, Brno, and Ostrava, with more than a quarter living in the capital. The majority, 75 percent, are living in flats or houses, while 17 percent are staying in other accommodation facilities.

Author: Ruth Fraňková