Honoring Czech legend: Karel Gott’s greatest hits on the fifth anniversary of his passing

Karel Gott throughout years

On today's show, we bring you Karel Gott’s greatest hits in commemoration of the fifth anniversary of his passing. The Czech singer debuted with a jazzy duet in 1962 as his first single. Within a year, Gott was named Czechoslovakia's best singer, and by the end of the 1960s, he had achieved international fame.

During his career, he released more than 100 albums, selling an estimated 50 to 100 million records worldwide. Of these, approximately 15 million were sold in Czechoslovakia and its successor states, Czechia and Slovakia. Some of his greatest hits include Oči sněhem zaváté (Eyes covered with snow), Pár havraních copánků (Love Me Tender), Cesta rájem (Crying In The Chapel). Enjoy.

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