PM announces decision to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Bartoš

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala has announced that he will propose the dismissal of Pirate Party leader Ivan Bartoš from his post as deputy prime minister and minister for regional development. The head of government said Bartoš had failed to secure the digitalization of construction management and, does not even acknowledge the mistakes made. Mr. Fiala said that he would ask the party to propose a candidate for the job who would be up to the task.

The prime minister stressed that he was not terminating the coalition agreement with the Pirate Party as such, saying he was highly satisfied with the performance of the two other Pirate Party ministers in the government – Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and Minister for Legislation Michal Šalomoun.

Fiala's surprise announcement came just hours after Mr. Bartoš assured the media that his party and he himself would remain in government. At the weekend, the Pirate Party suffered a crushing defeat in the regional and Senate elections after which Bartoš resigned as party leader along with the whole party leadership.