Radio Prague's Monthly Quiz

Slet in 1926

Test your knowledge of things Czech!

On the first day of the month Radio Prague will announce the month’s quiz question on this site. At the end of every month we will draw six winners from the correct answers received. Join our contest and win a Radio Prague prize! Answers should be sent to [email protected] by the end of the month.

The winners will be featured on this site.

Question for August

The Czech Republic has not had many Olympic successes in recent years. And no Czech athlete has ever been able to emulate the success of Věra Čáslavská. How many medals did this legendary gymnast win at the Olympic Games?

Question for July

Prague was hosting the biggest sporting event of the year in Czechia - the 17th All-Sokol Slet or jamboree. In what year was this popular sports event held for the first time?

In 1882. (All-Sokol jamborees were usually held once in six years, except for the period when the Sokol sports organization could not officially operate - during World War I, the German occupation and during the Communist regime.)


  • Alessandro Cintoli – Italy

  • Michael Berman – Israel

  • Roger Tidy – Great Britain

  • Aleš Kašpárek – Czech Republic

  • Jörn Mucha – Germany

  • Arthur Lucas Santos Gomes - Brasil

  • Monthly Quiz
