US, Czechia sign pact on cooperation against disinformation

Relations between the United States and Czechia are exceptional, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said after a meeting with his US counterpart Antony Blinken on Thursday. The US secretary of state praised Czech support for Ukraine, specifically the training of soldiers and the provision of important military support to the country.

During their meeting, which took place on the sidelines of a two-day informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague, the two politicians discussed security, defence and the economy. They also signed a memorandum on cooperation with US government agency the Global Engagement Centre in the fight against disinformation.

It is the 17th such memorandum the US has signed with allied countries. Mr. Blinken said such partnerships are important for the development of capabilities, technical means, human resources and organizational structure to fight disinformation.

Author: Ruth Fraňková