Around half of reports filed through online trust box app in Czechia concern bullying

Over 9,000 reports have been filed by schoolchildren via the application 'Nenech to být' or 'Don't Let It Be', about half of which concern bullying, the platform announced in a press release on Thursday. The other 50 percent are related to learning difficulties (10 percent), problems at home (10 percent), and the remaining 30 percent fall into the "other" category.

The app was invented in 2017 by three high school students from Brno, functioning as an online trust box through which students can contact their schools about anything concerning them or their classmates. In the seven years that the app has been around, 2,050 of Czechia's 4,276 primary and 1,304 secondary schools have joined the platform, and it is also used by schools in the USA, Germany, Slovakia, Finland and Norway.

Author: Anna Fodor