Poll: growing number of Czechs interested in EU elections

European citizens, including Czechs, have a growing interest in EU elections and a more positive attitude towards the European Parliament than ever before, suggests a Eurobarometer poll released on Wednesday.

According to the survey, 38 percent of Czechs are interested in EU elections, which is 22 percent more than in 2019. However, this is still well below the European average of 60 percent.

Some 58 percent of Czechs said they were likely to vote in the upcoming EU elections in June, an increase of 28 percentage points, but again less than the 71 percent across the EU that said the same.

Only 32 percent of Czechs would like to see the European Parliament play a more important role in their lives, which is the lowest figure among the 27 EU member states. The EU average is 56 percent.

Author: Ruth Fraňková