Survey: two-thirds of economically active Ukrainian refugees have jobs in Czechia

More than two-thirds of economically active refugees from Ukraine have jobs in Czechia, suggests a survey published on Monday by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

Based on the latest data from the Czech Ministry of the Interior, there are currently about 339,000 refugees from Ukraine with temporary protection, which allows access to public health insurance, education and the labour market. Some 77 percent of them are economically active and 69 percent of them have a job, suggests the IOM survey.

According to the survey, the majority of people who fled Ukraine to Czechia are women, who often have a high level of education and were only able to get jobs below their previous qualifications. Finding a job is especially difficult for single mothers, respondents over 60 and people with health problems, the survey concludes.

Author: Ruth Fraňková