Dozens protest against controversial event at Bohemian National Hall

Dozens of people protested in front of the Bohemian National Hall in New York City on Thursday night against an event hosted in the building by controversial parental rights group Moms for Liberty, which is regarded as extremist and intolerant of sexual minorities.

Several US politicians had criticised the event, with Democratic Senator Brad Holyman-Sigal calling on Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala to ban it.

Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said that while he disagreed with the debate, it was too late to be cancelled. He also said the activities of the organisation did not correspond to the interests of Czech foreign policy.

The organisation Moms for Liberty leased the premises of the Bohemian National Hall from the expat organization Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association without the knowledge of the Czech Consulate General.

Author: Ruth Fraňková