MP apologizes for blaming faculty for shooting incident

Jiří Kobza, an MP for the Freedom and Direct Democracy Party, who suggested in a post on social networks that the Faculty of Arts had only itself to blame for the tragic shooting on its premises because it has “molded the student responsible for the attack” has publicly apologized for the comment. He published the apology shortly after the rector of Charles University, Milena Kralíčkova, announced that the faculty would sue him for slander.

Just hours after the tragedy, Kobza wrote on social networks that the Faculty of Arts should take the blame for having helped mold the shooter by the “inclusive progressive education”  it provided, which he said "begged the question what kind of indoctrination program of hate was being taught there".

In a joint statement the rectors of Czech universities said they consider the post to be “absolutely shocking, crossing the boundaries of decency, morality and good taste."

In his apology Kobza said he had been in a highly emotional state when he posted the comment.