President Petr Pavel gets high marks from public after 100 days in office

Czech President Petr Pavel has received high marks from the public after his first 100 days in office, according to a survey conducted by the Median agency for Czech Radio. Of the 1,000 respondents polled, who were asked to grade the president on a five point scale, 54 percent gave him an “A” or “B” for overall performance. 19 percent of respondents gave him a “C”, 10 percent a “D” and 9 percent an “F” grade. 7 percent of respondents said they had no opinion on the matter.

During his first 100 days in office, President Pavel visited all the neighbour countries and three Czech regions, organized a meeting between the prime minister and the leader of the strongest opposition party, and appointed three constitutional judges. He has also taken steps to open Prague Castle to the public and reorganize the Office of the President.