Czechia slips 25 places in gender equality index

Czechia has fallen in the World Economic Forum's global gender equality index, the Czech News Agency reported on Thursday. The country is currently ranked 101st out of 146 countries, 25 places lower than it was last year. Its sudden slump is mainly down to its low score in the area of equal representation of men and women in politics, where it fell from 67th place last year to 108th this year. It also ranked relatively poorly in the field of economic participation and opportunity, where the gender pay gap and the proportion of women on executive boards plays a role.

According to the WEF report, Europe has the highest gender parity of all regions at 76.3%, with 20 out of 36 countries having at least 75% gender parity and one-third of European countries ranking in the top 20 worldwide. However, the Czech Republic was named in the report, along with Hungary and Cyprus, as one of the countries ranking at the bottom in the region.

The WEF index compares gender equality in different countries around the world anually in four areas: education, work, politics, and health.

Author: Anna Fodor