Ceremony outside Czech Radio commemorates start of Prague Uprising 78 years ago

Political leaders, war veterans and members of the public gathered outside Czech Radio’s Prague headquarters on Friday to mark the 78th anniversary of the Prague Uprising against Nazi rule at the end of WWII.

The radio station was the focal point of the uprising and the site of one of the biggest clashes with Nazi forces as citizens came to defend the building. Over 100 people died in its immediate vicinity and hundreds of others fell at the barricades that went up around Prague. Altogether, an estimated 12,000 people were killed around the country.

Addressing the commemorative gathering the head of the Senate, Miloš Vystrčil said that one of the big lessons of WWII was the need to stand up to dictators, a lesson that is particularly pertinent in the present day. Referring to the public broadcaster's role in the uprising, Mr. Vystrčil emphasized the need to protect and nurture the free media which are crucial in defending democracy and fighting disinformation.

Commemorative ceremonies marking the uprising have been taking place around the country.