Czechia has donated CZK 4.8 billion in unused military gear to Ukraine

Czechia has so far donated about CZK 4.8 billion in unused military materiel from the stocks of the Czech Army to Ukraine, a spokesperson for the Czech Ministry of Defence told the Czech News Agency on Sunday.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine almost exactly a year ago Czechia has exported over CZK 50 billion in military equipment to Ukraine.

Czechia received the first compensation for its aid to Ukraine from the European Union in January. The US has also pledged to provide Czechia with funding to modernise its army.

The nature of the aid to Ukraine has not been specified for security and tactical reasons, but according to available information Prague has sent heavy equipment, including tanks and helicopter gunships to Ukraine, as well as ammunition and small arms.

Dozens of Ukrainian soldiers have been treated in Czechia. Ukrainian hardware is repaired in this country, while the country’s soldiers also receive training here.

Author: Ian Willoughby