Documentary Good Old Czechs and series Five Years win main Trilobit Award

The main prize in this year’s Trilobit film and television awards has gone to Tomáš Bojar for his documentary film about Czech airmen in World War II, combining never-before-seen archive footage with the memories of RAF pilots František Fajtl and Filip Janský.

The same prize also went to Five Years, a Czech TV series centred on events at a prom night that later lead to rape allegations, told from the perspective of the two main characters.

The Vladislav Vančura award for lifelong contribution to Czech cinematography went to the legendary Czech painter, costume and set designer Theodor Pištěk, who won an Oscar in 1985 for his costumes for Amadeus.

The Trilobit awards are handed out by the Czech Film and Television Union FITES.

Author: Ruth Fraňková