Two senators elected in first round of Senate elections

In the Senate elections, two candidates were elected in the first round of voting. Senator Ladislav Václavec from the ANO party crossed the 50 percent vote margin in the Bruntál region, as did Christian Democrat candidate Petr Fiala in Ústí nad Orlicí.

The second round of voting in the Senate elections will be a standoff between candidates for the ruling coalition and the opposition ANO party. Regardless of the outcome, the ruling coalition will maintain its dominance in the Senate.

Among those contesting a seat in the second round will be the Speaker of the Senate Miloš Vystrčil who won 45.5 percent of the vote in the first round against Jana Nagyova from ANO who won 30.7 percent. The contest was closely watched since Ms. Nagyova is among those charged in connection with the Stork’s Nest scandal linked to ANO leader Andrej Babiš.

Voter turnout in the Senate elections was close to 45 percent, a record turnout in the country’s modern history.