Czechia to receive nearly CZK 900 million to fight crime

Czechia is set to receive nearly 900 million crowns from the EU funds for fighting cybercrime and other criminal activities, the Interior Ministry spokeswoman Klara Dlubalová said on Friday.

The Czech programme, which has been approved by the EC, also aims to enhance international police cooperation and updating of the EU information and communication systems.

According to the programme, Czechia will focus on improving the use of public sources with the aim to raise the effectivity of uncovering criminal activities such as cybercrime, terrorism and extremism, as well as financial crime and organised crime.

In 2021, Czech police registered 153,233 criminal offences, which is a drop of seven percent on the previous year. On the contrary, the number of cyber-crime cases increased by nearly 1,500 to 9,518.

Author: Ruth Fraňková