Security forces against compulsory vaccinations

Over 3,200 members of the country’s security forces have signed a petition against compulsory vaccination of people in high-risk professions. The signatories – among them police officers, firefighters, rescue workers and soldiers - point out that the requirement may lead to many professionals leaving the security forces and jeopardizing the action-capability of the Integrated Rescue System. Representatives of Initiative 21, which is a group protesting against compulsory vaccination as such,  said on Monday that altogether around 14,000 people have signed petitions against mandatory vaccines for any group of the population.

According to available data 75.6 percent of police officers are vaccinated, 76 percent of firefighters and 85 percent of soldiers.

Compulsory vaccination for people over 60 and those working in high-risk professions was introduced by the former government. The present ruling coalition has said it will invalidate the decree on mandatory vaccinations for people over 60, but is likely to leave it in place for high risk professions such as medical staff, members of the security forces and employees in the social services.