Most Czech students want to undertake study abroad semesters despite coronavirus

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, interest in study abroad through the EU’s Erasmus programme continues. Up to 75 Czech students are planning on taking part in the programme, while only 9 percent are in the process of cancelling their Erasmus plans, Roman Klepetko from the Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS), which coordinates the Erasmus programme in Czechia, said at a press conference on Wednesday.

All Czech universities are currently prepared to offer Erasmus semesters to foreign EU member state students, according to Mr Klepetko, who leads the DZS department for higher education mobility and projects. In case the epidemiological situation deteriorated, universities are prepared to switch to online education and could thus continue to provide Erasmus study abroad opportunities, Klepetko said.

However, in the wider EU, only 63 percent of all universities are currently prepared to accept Erasmus applicants. The DZS recommends students follow the websites of universities closely for future developments.

Since 1998, 315,000 Czechs have taken part in the Erasmus programme, including students, teachers and craftsmen. Over the past years, the annual intake of Czechs for Erasmus has ranged around 8,000 university students and 2,000 higher education staff, representatives of the DZS said.