Czech by Numbers - Banknotes


Hello and welcome to Czech by Numbers, Radio Prague's special Czech language programme in which we look at the use of numbers in everyday Czech. Today, as promised, we will take a look at Czech banknotes and their colloquial names.

The smallest Czech banknote is the 20-crown note - dvacetikoruna, also known as dvacka (as we mentioned last week in connection with the 20-crown coin). It is blue and features a portrait of Saint Wenceslas. The pink 50-crown note with a portrait of St Agnes of Bohemia is called padesátikoruna, in slang also pade or pajcka. The green stokoruna or 100-crown banknote features Emperor Charles IV, and is commonly known as stovka or kilo.

Next in value is the orange dvousetkoruna with the Czech scholar Jan Amos Comenius, also called dvoustovka or dvoukilo. Then there is pětisetkoruna, the pink-brown 500-crown note also known as pětikilo with a portrait of 19th-century writer Bozena Nemcova. Twice as valuable is the blue 1000-crown note - tisícikoruna, featuring the historian Frantisek Palacky, who was one of the leaders of the Czech national revival.

The note is referred to as litr or talíř or tác. Then there is dvoutisícikoruna, the 2000-crown note, with Czech opera diva Ema Destinnova. And finally the 5000-crown note - pětitisícikoruna with the first President of Czechoslovakia Tomas Garrigue Masaryk. Its colloquial name is pětilitr.

And that's all for today, I hope you have found today's lesson useful and till next time, na shledanou.