Slovene Riesling Ice Wine wins silver at San Francisco International Wine Competition
We've made the point more than once that Slovenia is a small Central European Country - about the size of Israel or Wales. So, if you have never tasted Slovenian wine it's not because they don't make it it's just that they don't make a lot. But some Slovenian wines are winning an international reputation. The Crnko Family Winery recently took a silver medal at the San Francisco International Wine Competition for their 2005 Riesling Ice Wine. Radio Slovenia International's Srecko Trglec asked the American Ambassador to Slovenia, Thomas Robertson, for his assessment:
"To be from a small country like Slovenia and to get the silver medal at an international wine competition in San Francisco, as they have now twice, is quite an accomplishment. And they have every reason to be proud."
Do people in the US know Slovenia and Slovenian wines?
"I like to think that people are getting to know more about Slovenia all the time. Of course, we have so much wine of our own and there are so many wine producers throughout the world that there are few Americans who really know Slovenian wine, because production is so small. But I know a good Slovenian-American, Emil Gaspari, who is doing all he can to expose Americans - at least on the east coast - to good Slovenian wine."
You know many wine regions in Slovenia. What is your opinion of Slovenian wine?
"Well, I think they're excellent and I've had the opportunity to go to all the wine areas, from Prekmurje all the way to Goriska Brda, and they're very different wines - ones that we're not familiar with, like Teran, and such. But they're all very special in their own way and I certainly enjoy them. I think most Americans who come to Slovenia are very happily surprised to see the excellent quality of Slovenian wine."