Tourist of the day - day 3


The tourist season is at its peak at the moment. To reflect the mix of visitors, Radio Prague is running a series of interviews with our 'tourist of the day'. On Tuesday, Rosie Johnston spoke with two Turkish visitors, who were discovering Prague on bikes. This time, she has interviewed three young Americans, who stopped in the Czech capital on their journey through Europe.

"We're all from San Diego, California. Yeah, It's a nice place. I am Peter."

"I am Brad."

"I am Matt."

"We are just doing a Eurotrip right now, throughout all Europe, and we heard Prague was a cool place to come. So we just came."

Is it truly a cool place? Does it live up to reputation?

"Yeah. We've only been here for today, pretty much, but yeah, so far it's pretty cool."

"We've seen H&M, New Yorker..."

"I think we are going to the castle soon, but we don't knot how to get there. I really like the architecture of all the buildings and stuff. It's interesting. It's nice out. It was cold when we were in Germany. It's nice here. Not bad. I like it."

The architecture is really pretty and a lot of people comment on it. But a lot of Americans especially say that they are coming to Europe to see lots of older things. It this a lot older than San Diego?

"San Diego is like thirty years old."

"There is no history there. That's why we come to Europe. It's a living museum right there."

Whereabouts are you staying? In some backpacking hostel?

Yes. Alfa tourist ... Something like that.

Are you liking it? Is it OK?

"The hostel? Yeah, it's all right. Not too many people in there, but it's a nice place."

"It's like a twenty minute walk from here. So that's all right. We don't really know what the night-life is like yet so we don't know how far a walk it is from there."

Maybe you didn't have enough time. But have you got some first impressions about thinks you like and maybe about things you don't like as well about here?

"Nothing that I don't like. I like the food on the streets - it's cheap. You can get a beer for cheap. I just like walking around, it's pretty cool. Nothing bad so far."

You've also been shopping, but in a kind of western shops.

"One shop, yeah."

"It's a good place. Has everything you could ever imagine."

"We are planning to see some night clubs, some bars, maybe a castle or two."

"Just see everything, I guess, all the sights to see. And then just hang out."