Hoof to discuss fighter jets during Prague visit

British Defence Minister Geoff Hoon said on Monday that Britain is ready and willing to help the Czech Republic attain supersonic fighter jets to replace its ageing fleet of MiG 21s. With the MiG 21s to be replaced by 2005 at the latest, the Czech government is soon to decide what jets will be used to protect the country's airspace in the future. The Czech Republic is closely considering an offer of 14 older F-3 Tornado jets, which are to be replaced in the British armed forces in the next few years. In an interview with the CTK news agency, Mr Hoon said he would discuss the issue with his Czech counterpart during his official trip to Prague on Wednesday. He is also expected to meet with Czech President Vaclav Klaus, Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla, and Foreign Minister Cyril Svoboda.

Author: Dita Asiedu