Annual literary marathon dedicated to works by Arnost Lustig

A three-day annual literary marathon has begun in Prague, dedicated to Czech writer Arnost Lustig who turns eighty this year. Until Wednesday, students, artists, politicians, but also book lovers will read 15 minute excerpts from a work by Mr Lustig or any other Czech or Slovak writer. Among the politicians expected to take part are former justice minister Jaroslav Bures, former TV magnate Vladimir Zelezny, and former Prague mayor Jan Kasl. The current Mayor of Prague, Pavel Bem, launched the marathon, which takes place at Prague's Jazz Section.

The event will be accompanied by exhibitions of photographs depicting the life of Arnost Lustig and of publications by the Mlada Fronta publishing house. The literary marathon will continue in Czech Centres in Kiev, Kosice, Stockholm, the Hague, and Warsaw.

Author: Dita Asiedu