Topolanek and Paroubek meet to discuss possible support
In related news, Mirek Topolanek met officially with the head of the Social Democratic Party, Jiri Paroubek, on Friday to discuss possible support for the new government - which otherwise lacks the majority needed to pass a confidence vote. While the two men reportedly failed to clinch a deal so far, they have not closed the door on further talks. Earlier Mr Paroubek said the planned centre-right cabinet could win his backing but listed tough programme conditions that Mr Topolanek has refused to accept. According to some analysts, the Social Democrats may prefer to let the government fall in a confidence vote, but later agree to tolerate a Civic Democrat-only minority cabinet. That would theoretically allow the left-of-centre party greater influence on policy.
Parliament is to begin meeting on June 27th. But, talks between all five parties in the lower house on how to divide up committees and key positions, such as speaker of the lower house, are continuing. Election of the speaker is a precondition for the old government to step aside to make way for the new.