Christian Democrats say election term is not decisive to an agreement

Following a meeting of the Christian Democrat leadership on Tuesday the party's acting head Jan Kasal said the Christian Democrats did not consider the term of the next general elections decisive in reaching agreement on a new government. Mr. Kasal said his party was prepared to take part in a coalition government and form a buffer between the two strongest parties - the Civic and Social Democrats. We are prepared to do this in the interest of stability in the Czech Republic - with or without the Green Party, Mr. Kasal said.

The Christian Democrats will enter into the government talks ahead of a change of leadership at the party's national conference in December. There are already indications that the controversial Christian Democrat candidate for party chairman Jiri Cunek is now viewed as a potential partner in the talks. Senator Cunek who as mayor of Vsetin elicited both criticism and praise for his uncompromising stance towards Romany rent defaulters, is said to have met secretly with Social Democrat leader Jiri Paroubek to discuss under what conditions the Christian Democrats would enter into a coalition with the two strongest parties. Senator Cunek said his party might agree to participating in a pro-reform government with a year-long mandate.