Cunek to lodge complaint against police accusations

Deputy prime minister and Christian Democrat leader Jiri Cunek said on Czech TV today that his lawyer was going to file a complaint with police regarding bribery charges that have been made against him. Speaking on a political discussion show, Mr Cunek - who is accused of taking a bribe from a real estate developer when he was mayor of the town of Vsetin five years ago - claimed that police had ignored documents he gave them, which proved his innocence. Mr Cunek also said he would not even consider resigning until the state prosecutor's office decided whether or not to proceed with the case. He also refused to answer questions on how he came to have savings of two and a half million crowns (115,000 USD), simply saying that it was his money and he would prove this in due course. Meanwhile, in a separate development, Petr Hurta, the head of the real estate company at the centre of the bribery allegations was arrested in connection with the case on Saturday.

Author: Coilin O'Connor