Bill on special referendum will continue to be debated

A bill on a special referendum put forward by the Social Democrats and the Communist Party will continue to be debated in the lower house, although the chances of its ultimately being passed are slim. Both parties are calling for a plebiscite to be held on the issue of a proposed US radar base hosted by the Czech Republic as part of a broader US missile defense shield. The bill passed in a first reading on Friday with the help of a Christian Democrat MP and two former Social Democrats who helped the government win its confidence vote in January.

Because the bill requires a change to the constitution it would need three-fifths support in the 200 member chamber to be pushed through. That is not likely given the country's largest party, the right-of-centre Civic Democrats with 81 MPs alone, are against. Other coalition parties the Greens and all but one Christian Democrat on Friday - are also against.

Author: Jan Velinger