Report critical on state of environment
The Environment Ministry has released a report on the state of the Czech environment for 2006 which says that the Czech Republic is lagging behind other European countries in a number of environmental areas. The Minister for the Environment Martin Bursik called the results of the report "alarming" on Friday. According to the information, sixty-two percent of Czechs breathe air containing excess levels of soft dust particles and air pollution is increasing. Mr Bursik has pointed to a dramatic increase in the number of children suffering from allergies. The situation could improve through EU funds, as the government intends to replace incinerators that are not environment-friendly. Also, in the future, drivers' vehicles will have to undergo stricter technical controls, and a road tax amendment will give preferential treatment to cars using cleaner types of fuel. The report reveals the most serious levels of air pollution are found in parts of North Moravia, where large industrial companies are concentrated, as well as in the Czech capital.