Interior Ministry fined for released Nagyová footage
The country's Interior Ministry has been given a 60 thousand crown fine by the Office for Personal Data Protection for making public footage of the arrest of Jana Nagyová (now Nečasová) last year. In December, footage of the arrest was aired on a popular Sunday debate programme on Czech TV. Nagyová, along with her husband, former prime minister Petr Nečas as well as a former key aide, face bribery charges - the exchange of lucrative posts for three former MPs for not toppling the former government. The Office for Personal Data Protection said that releasing footage of Nagyová's arrest was not justifiable in the public interest. Robert Šlachta, the head of the anti-organised crime unit who released the footage, said he did not believe he had broken the law; he stressed he had wanted the footage to be seen to prove the arrest had been by the book.