Expats Bulletin
We are back at Thomas’s Barber Shop and we continue our interview from yesterday and we talk about the dangers of barbering, what is needed to become a qualified barber and why even the bearded woman wouldn’t be allowed into the establishment. I am also shown how to sharpen a razor and what to do when an ear falls off. You can find Thomas’s Barber Shop in three locations: Navrátilova near Charles Square, Černá Růže shopping centre and Stroupežnická near Anděl.
We are back at Thomas’s Barber Shop and we continue our interview from yesterday and we talk about the dangers of barbering, what is needed to become a qualified barber and why even the bearded woman wouldn’t be allowed into the establishment. I am also shown how to sharpen a razor and what to do when an ear falls off. You can find Thomas’s Barber Shop in three locations: Navrátilova near Charles Square, Černá Růže shopping centre and Stroupežnická near Anděl.