Going for gold in Athens!

Photo: CTK

Czechs are going for gold in Athens! Cesi bojuji o zlato! Ahoj and welcome to a special Olympic edition of ABC of Czech. In today's programme we'll learn how to talk about the Olympics - olympiada in Czech, which as you can see is written with a lower-case 'o.'

Photo: ÈTK
Czechs are going for gold in Athens! Èe¹i bojují o zlato!Ahoj and welcome to a special Olympic edition of ABC of Czech. In today's programme we'll learn how to talk about the Olympics - olympiáda in Czech, which as you can see is written with a lower-case 'o.'

If you are one of the lucky ones making the trip to Athens - do Atén, you will be able to spot the Czech Olympic Team - èeský olympijský tým by the word Czech written in capitals on their gear. This year's team, which has a record turn out - rekordní úèast, consists of 140 athletes competing in 20 disciplines from stolní tenis - table tennis to classic Olympic sports such as wrestling - øecko-øímský zápas, which literally translates as "Greek-Roman wrestling".

©tìpánka Hilgertová
Let's find out who are the Czech medal hopefuls - èeské medailové nadìje. Jan ®elezný and ©tìpánka Hilgertová are both back to defend gold - obhajovat zlato. As a threetime Olympic champion - trojnásobný olympijský vítìz, ®elezný is a master of the javelin throw - hod o¹tìpem. ©tìpánka Hilgertová, a twotime Olympic gold-medalist - dvojásobná olympijská zlatá medailistka, competes in slalom kayaking - kajak ve slalomu. In Czech you say that she is a vodní slalomáøka, literally a water slalomist.

In shooting - støelba, markswoman - støelkynì, Kateøina Kùrková is expected to be joined on the podium by her male teammate, the marksman - støelec Martin Tenk. Kùrková is the winner of the 2004 European Shooting championship. Tenk won a bronze - bronz in Sydeny. This is a pair that certainly cannot afford to be gunshy - bát se výstøelu.

Decathalonist - desetibojaø Roman ©ebrle will compete in ten events - deset bojù. The decathalon - desetiboj consists of running events such as the hundred meter dash - bìh na sto metrù and the hundred and ten-meter hurdles - bìh na sto deset metrù pøeká¾ek. The Czech word for hurdle - pøeká¾ka, just like in English can be can be used metaphorically. Not only will ©ebrle be running a lot, he will also be jumping and throwing. There are three jumping events: the high jump - skok do vý¹ky, literally the jump to the height and the long jump - skok do dálky, literally the jump to the length. The pole vault - skok o tyèi is also considered jumping in Czech as it uses the word jump - skok. There are also three throwing events in the decathalon, the shot put - vrh koulí, discus - hod diskem, literally the throw with a disk, and the javelin throw - hod o¹tìpem.

That's all for our special Olympic edition of ABC of Czech. Until next time, take care - mìjte se! Enjoy the Olympics and to all the athletes competing in Athens good luck - hodnì ¹tìstí!

See also Living Czech.